It is so easy to understand someone if you look at them objectively.
It's not just a random statement of a well established fact.
It is a deep felt realization.
How did that happen?
I'll tell you.
I happen to know this person's gmail id and password.
(Now, don't immediately go change your password. Its not you! Or is it? Hahahahhahahahaha)
was quite bored one day and was reminded of this person and thought, "Hey! I'll go check out what's in that person's inbox." and a wicked smile blossomed. :->
And so I did.
Of course, I did not meddle with anything. It was simply an unobtrusive observation.
It was loads of fun. It was almost like having an underwear conversation.*
Now that objective observation was not about this person! But about this other person hitting on another person whose login passwd also I happen to know. :-)
It is so bledy obvious I tell you!
In fact, I did not even know if that person was being hit on or not.
Until I saw it for myself.
It just pops out suddenly and I realise what's going on and fall down laughing.
But I gotta give it to that person for keeping it nice and subtle.
Subtle, my hairy ass! :D
The funniest part is that this person does not even realize that.
I am very tempted to reveal more. But I shouldn't.
I really want to see where this is headed.
Don't worry. I'll keep you posted.
And DO NOT worry. It is NOT you.
So what am I gonna do next?
Wait and watch.
But this is a deep felt realization. Isn't it supposed to be life changing?
Hmmm... You mean I should learn to be subtle and nice henceforth whenever I'm hitting on someone?
Meh. I'm not hitting on anyone these days.
It's just so pointless.
(Aside - I've been meaning to make a list of overrated things in life and conversations are at the top of my list. Followed by texting and chat.)
Hitting on involves pointless conversation!
Especially, the getting-to-know-each-other kinda conversations.
You seldom end up talking anythning deep. How deep can you go when you have a character limit of 160 (the mobile phone's and sometimes the person's too.) or when you get txt lik dis?
I've done it a few times and it gets boring after a while and all it is useful for is to build more conversations.
girl - Hey, what's your favourite color?
boy - ummm... black, blue. what's yours?
girl - oh my god! I love blue! especially aquamarine. And wine color.
boy - oh that's so nice. I'll remember that.
boy - guess what color underwear i just bought???
girl - lol! How am i supposed to guess that?? green? :O
boy - no idjat. aquamarine! I specifically asked for it.
girl - oh so cool! That's my faaaaavvvv color!
And so on.
The point to note here is that the boy did not know what aquamarine really looked like and might have wondered why she didn't call it sea blue. So clearly he did not buy an aquamarine underwear. He simply remembered the color and put it to good use.
The girl too realises that either the boy's a weirdo to buy aquamarine undie or that he is trying to give subtle hints. She hopes it is the latter, like the attention and continues conversation.
But there are a few who try the oh-I'm-so-deep kinda msgs too. They usually end up sounding like they are talking thru their asses.
But that's only as far as texting and chat conversations go.
I do like real conversations.
Especially the I'm-ridiculously-high-and-uninhibitted kinda topics.
But they don't happen very often.
The problem is very basic. We have taken communication for granted.
Which is why most of what we say, or do becomes so meaningless.
Hmmm... a random thought. What would happen to the world if we were to talk only when it is absolutely necessary?
Anyway, point of post was - Pls come up with absolutely bulletproof ideas to hit on people.
Or atleast respect the fact that most of us download movies or have friends who download movies and have all seen V for Vendetta. :D
And the other point was - Go change your password every two months. You don't know who has your password! :P
* You strip down to your underwear and then converse. Something like post sex talk minus the sex.