Tuesday, June 15, 2010

That's what she said!

I never liked you
This is why I don't even think about you, this is why I'm not sad that we're done.

I hate the smell of your skin, I hate your lips, your tongue, your eyes. I hate your hair. I hate, oh my god, I hate your voice so much. I hate your attitude. The only good thing about you-your smile, and your touch. Both became overrated. I can't even stand you right now.

I had this urge to write something personal and serious. So I opened blogger and started typing something and then deleted it and then something and deleted it and then killed some more time like that. I gave up trying and opened my blog and was mindlessly reading what I'd written in recent times. Thoughtlessly I selected the title of the blog, right clicked, selected "search google for 'I never liked you'" and narrowed the search results to blogs. On the second page I found the piece I've copy pasted above. It's by Kate Romanova, a 20 something girl whose blogger profile states that her current location is Toronto, Canada. Go check out her blog http://kateromanova.blogspot.com She writes short, straightforward diary entry posts mostly about her life and friends and boys. The one above was posted on May 17th 2010.

Hahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah! The minute I read the post above I burst out laughing! I can't stop sniggering even now. That post just made my day!
LOL. You just have to see this from my point of view! You'll be rolling on the floor laughing. And to think just two minutes before I read that post of hers I was feeling all sad and lonely and depressed. LOL! Thank You, Kate. Keep writing!
PS: If you are Kate Romanova, I'd be glad to explain thru a long detailed mail as to what your post is doing in my blog. Others, go figure.
PPS: For those of you who didn't find it funny enough, pls go watch all the "That's what she said!" moments from The Office put together in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-wf2pP7T0Y

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Holy Cow!

There are two of them. Yes, two.
I saw them today. I've not seen the second guy before. Looks like a new ally.
He was keeping watch.
My pulse raced. I'd not felt this way since the first time I saw him. Or that night when I was high and I keep looking out of my window and nothing happened. I was excited that day. The anticipation of witnessing a peculiar, never-before-witnessed event was surging thru the veins. I could feel it in my groin.
I can feel it now.
This just graduated to the next level.
From a "get the fuck outta here!" bar anecdote to a "That is so disturbing, it'll make a freakin amazing movie!" story.
It will be made.
And you'll get to see it too.