Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday Night Blues?

What is this sense of belonging all about?

Do I belong to my laptop with which I spend a major part of my day?
Do I belong to my EXcess love about who I wonder about on full moon nights?
Am I a part of this wonderful group of friends who I proudly proclaim as mine?
Am I a part of this city which gives me this strange sense of security?

Is my dad mine? Can I crawl back into my mum?

Can I claim I belong to this race? this clan? this religion? this faith?

Should I feel proud that I am from this nation called India?

Maybe I should thump my chest that I can speak Tamil?

Or should I feel proud that I have people who claim that they belong to me?

The ones that say I inspire them?

What about the ones who live in my apartment? my street? my area? my city?

This is a strange day, with a lot of fun stuff thrown in.

In the name of entertainment. Intoxication.